Daniel Striped Tiger - Slalom (from Condition)
Update (1-11-09): Somehow the song that was originally posted with this was not Daniel Striped Tiger. I don't even know who it was. It might have been Melt Banana or something. My apologies. The stream and mp3 link are now correctly "Slalom" by DST.
It's not very often I write a post about something as vague as "a band." Usually it's an individual record or a song or a concert or pretty much anything more specific than just a band. But I'll make an exception today because... just because. I don't need to justify myself to you.
The last time I tried to see Daniel Striped Tiger play a show, it got shut down by the cops. And for no reason, either. They had permission to play and it was total bullshit that the cops came at all. And that was like a year ago. But last night I got to see them play at Front Street, a local coffee shop. It's a place that doesn't exactly fit a lot of people, nor does it allow for easy maneuverability but it was pretty packed for some dinky place in Salem. I'd guess about 80+ people showed up to a place that is maybe slightly larger than your average cafe. It just goes to show you how eagerly kids north of Boston crave good shows.
DST are technically a local band but similar to Big Bear and Neptune, they're actually making a name for themselves outside of Boston. And with good reason. They have a unique sound that, at the risk of sounding dorky, is really contemporary. What I mean is they have a sound that is really new and fresh but isn't so different as to turn you off. It's kinda mathy, with a lot of stop-start drumming, and the singer doesn't sing so much as talk loudly and monotonously (in a good way), and they have some catchy as shit riffs. Not necessarily the most unique description of a band but their sound is totally their own.
I know you hear about a lot of bands and just kind of glaze over them unless they really catch your attention for whatever reason. And it's difficult to make DST stand out without giving them a listen so I guess I'm saying you just gotta trust me on this one. They have two full lengths out, one of which (Condition) I would consider a Staple, and a bunch of various splits and 7"s and such. They're playing some shows in the area within the next few days and are in the process of planning an Australian tour. See them and buy shit from them.
I say YES to this band. Thanks for bringing them to my attention.
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