Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Girlfriends - Girlfriends (Floating Garbage Continent, 2009)

Girlfriends - I Was Here But I Disappear

Reasons why Girlfriends are cooler than your girlfriend.

1. Your girlfriend can't always make you smile. Girlfriends can.

2. Girlfriends put out a neon colored tape of fan-fucking-tastic lo-fi garage pop gems. Did your girlfriend do that? Didn't think so.

3. Girlfriends is like an ear bj. Your girlfriend can't (read: shouldn't) do that.

4. You can fuck your Girlfriends tape as much as you want and they'll never whine about how small your dick is.

5. 3 Girlfriends are better than 1.


Aaron Manders said...

i dig very much.

Peter said...

yes, good music, good rationale. rrrreverbbbb...

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