Monday, June 29
Steve Norton at Weirdo Records ($5, 8:00, all ages)
"laser-focused dip into solo reeds"

Wednesday, July 1
Jakob Olausson; Concord Ballet Orchestra Players; Sus & Jakob; Peace, Loving at PA's Lounge ($7 21+/$10 18-20, 8:30, 18+)
Jakob's on De Stijl, with a folky chill out echoey fanciness that I'm sure translates into a fantastic live performance. Sus & Jakob involves Olausson and some girl named Sus making eerie ghost in the woods rattling drugged out flutes and percussion kinda shit. CBOP and Peace, Loving are hometown awesomeness that rounds this show out to be totally fucking great.

Friday, July 3
Sick Fix, Coke Bust, Smart Cops, Blank Stare, Foreign Objects at Gay Gardens ($donate, 7:00?, all ages)
Not much else going on this week so I thought I'd throw this punk/hardcore/thrash/garage stuff at you. You might be interested. Smart Cops are Italian punk, so there's always that.

Saturday, July 4
The Boy Who Spoke Clouds, 7 Ton Hand, Live Footage, Topu Lyo, Skidmore Fountain, Mike Thies, Birdorgan at 119 Gallery ($10, all ages, 2:00pm)
Fourth Of July BBQ going down at the 119 Gallery in Lowell. Cookout starts around 2, music around 4. The Boy Who Spoke Clouds coming all the way from fucking Australia with their smoothed out minimal sound/maximum instrument folk. This show is gonna be killer. Tons of awesome bands. Mike Thies with his electro-acoustic beats and Topu Lyo with his processed cello, this shit is gonna be amazing. I know it's the 4th and you probably already got more plans than you know what to do with but if you end up in Lowell, make sure you stop by and check this out.
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